Archive for December, 2008|Monthly archive page

Smoker Friends

Smoker Friends, originally uploaded by Annoyance Allowance.

Yes, You.

Quote Unquote Fashion

Quote Unquote Fashion, originally uploaded by Annoyance Allowance.

Borrowed Pons

Borrowed Pons, originally uploaded by Annoyance Allowance.

Reader Submission: Germ Infested Keyboards at Work

Reader Submission: Germ Infested Keyboards at Work, originally uploaded by Annoyance Allowance.

Rushing for the Train

Rushing for the Train, originally uploaded by Annoyance Allowance.

Reader Submission: 3 Poles A Bike Stand Is Not

Reader Submission: 3 Poles A Bike Stand Is Not, originally uploaded by Annoyance Allowance.

Reader Submission: Snot Icicle on Face

Snot Icicle on Face, originally uploaded by Annoyance Allowance.

Security Line at DIA

Security Line at DIA, originally uploaded by Annoyance Allowance.

Reader submission: huge monstrosity of a farewall card that I mysteriously never got the chance to sign.

Reader submission: huge monstrosity of a farewall card that I mysteriously never got the chance to sign., originally uploaded by Annoyance Allowance.


Terrified of Flying Tomorrow
